- Legal Sector Forensics
Is this a fraudulent email? Who has downloaded this data? Was this text message received or read? Is my client responsible for the material contained on their mobile device? - Government Sector Forensics
Was WhatsApp, Kik, Skype, Tango, Messenger or other social media chat programs used to communicate with? Can I recover deleted pictures? Where was this picture taken? Was this device used to spy on? - Corporate Sector Forensics
Has my company data been stolen or leaked? Has Illegal material been viewed at work? I think I am being spied on or monitored! Have I been hacked? Can I recover deleted material? - Personal Sector Forensics
Has my personal data been stolen or leaked? Is my child in danger of being groomed? Does my child talk to paedophiles online? I am being trolled or harassed on social media! My ex has posted revenge porn online! Is my partner cheating on me? Can I recover deleted text messages?
These a just some of the questions and statements that Sector Forensics solves using mobile device forensic examinations on a daily basis.
Sector Forensics offers a professional service for all parties in criminal and civil litigation as well as catering for personal concern. With many years experience and highly trained staff, clients can be assured of an excellent quality and knowledge.
Our experienced and qualified forensic experts have carried out thousands of examinations and are able to present evidence as opinion as well as fact in a court of law if required.
Findings are transformed into conclusive reports that tell the story of what the presence or absence of the digital artefact indicates, clear, concise and easily understood by all participants in the legal process.